It never ceases to amaze how many members of the pundit class subscribe to the Great Man Theory, i.e., the belief that the tides of history can be magically reversed, and their flow altered, by a single strong leader blessed with singularly clear vision and an iron will. Think Hercules hosing out the Augean stables! In this case, however, no one person---or even a movement---can fix what's wrong with Republicans because the party is like an alcoholic on a three-day bender, refusing to acknowledge that it has a serious problem.
Making it plain: The party and its base have been trending crazier for decades, to the point that now roughly a quarter of the voting-age population is trapped in a kind of manufactured psychosis of voter fraud and death panels and legitimate rape and forced labor camps. No one leader can possibly serve as Therapist-in-Chief to "fix" what's wrong with them. Like drunks in denial, they are going to need to "hit rock bottom" before they ever change their act, and they aren't there yet by a long shot.
---Baron V