It really is symptomatic of the utter bankruptcy of our political discourse, and of the media-industrial complex that generates much of it, that an uncredentialed freshman Senator with no significant legislation to his name can be crowned as his party's latest Favorite Toy based on nothing more weighty than his familiarity with Tupac Shakur and the Kardashian sisters. It probably helps to explain how the transformation of one of our mainstream political parties into a doomsday religious cult could escape the notice of our media watchdog elite. But as long as the party base consists of people who believe that a clump of embryonic stem cells is the same thing as a baby, that dinosaurs rode on Noah's Ark, that shariah law is a creeping menace upon the land, that climate change is a liberal hoax, that the opposition party is building forced-labor camps in which to confine them, and that raising taxes on poor people generates boundless prosperity, there is no "answer" for Republicans because the party as it is currently constituted---like its Confederate/Dixiecrat predecessors---is a lost cause. They will still win some election cycles, and retain their greatest strength wherever rural old white guys gather, but as this voter demographic gradually dies off, so too will the party's prospects. For the sake of the Republic, it can't happen soon enough.
---Baron V
Page after Page after Page - Comment (0), Comment (0), Comment (0), Comment (0).
A sure sign no one reads your blog.
But then again, you prove yourself not to be nor want to be serious, so no wonder no one wants to read it. A blogger that shows nothing but comtempt for an opposing side's arguments by spewing some of the most inane straw man fallacies he can muster can only be labeled as serious.
Now, I will let you get back to your lonely existence shared only with "Comment (0)".
Posted by: Fred | February 16, 2013 at 03:56 AM