Because freedom! Also too, job creation:
[I]n 2011 alone---the most recent year for which full statistics are available---the United States sold over $66 billion in weapons worldwide, for a record 78 per cent of the global arms market. U.S. arms and training are being supplied to over 140 of the 195 United Nations member states.
This really is a big reason why we can never have nice things in this country anymore. Because our leaders' policy priorities distort labor markets such that tens of thousands of engineers, physicists, mathematicians, and assembly workers who we could be paying to develop new technologies that promote the general welfare---well, that's what civilized nations do. We pay them, by contrast, to develop new technologies that blow shit up and kill people. And needless to say, this isn't a sustainable business sector unless someone's always getting their war on. So, job creation.
---Baron V