In the shutdown era, Democrats have had a more moderate image nationwide than the tea-party-burdened GOP. But that image may be at risk if liberal Democrats set the pace for the party. We could see them rally around a progressive leader---Warren, de Blasio or some yet-to-emerge candidate---who speaks their language of economic populism. If the agenda of this new New Left drives Democrats’ choices, it might weaken the ideological and demographic coalition that has led the party to victory in four of the past six national elections.
Because proposing to raise taxes on rich people to pay for infrastructure and health care, or suggesting that we break up the banks and throw their executives in jail, are both bad, horrible, very terrible things because heaven forbid our government should actually give voters the things they actually want. We must never have liberal/leftist government because "populism", a view that is only held by the wealthy and by people who live in the greater D.C. metro area. The rest of us? We don't exist.
---Baron V