Following up from an earlier post, now that we are to be ruled for the foreseeable future by our billionaire overlords, which one(s) do you think should govern us? Personally, I'd probably throw in my lot with Buffett since he genuinely seems to be among the least avaricious of them, and maybe even amenable to having his taxes raised! A bit, at least. For those of us who came of age when only one person on the planet (J.P. Getty) was a billionaire---and barely worth a single billion---we almost can't conceive the amounts of money these assholes have. So why the hell didn't we repatriate a lot of it when we had the votes in Congress?
I suppose the honest answer is: we never had the votes. At least, not in the last 30 years. Team Democrat is no longer the farmer-labor party but the Interweb-telecom party.
---Baron V