Used to be we held them so we could choose between political parties with widely diverging policy agendas. Nowadays it's more like an academic exercise to give us the impression that the people who lead us still care about us, ere we start building bonfires and barricades:
The 101-year-old club boasts a unique mix of politicians, administration officials, rainmakers, top military brass and corporate leaders from all over the country: Billionaires Warren Buffett, David Rubenstein, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Marriott and Steve Case; Chief Justice John Roberts, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Sandra Day O’Connor, Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright and Vernon Jordan, to name just a few.It’s a cross-section of power brokers so influential that almost every president has made a pilgrimage to the annual gathering. President Obama has addressed the group twice: a week after his inauguration in 2009, and again in 2012 when he joked about escaping the White House bubble: “One of my big goals this year was to get out and be among everyday, ordinary Americans---like the men and women of the Alfalfa Club.” Big laugh [...]
“I’ve never seen a dinner like it anywhere else,” said Raul Fernandez, tech entrepreneur and vice chairman of Monumental Sports and Entertainment, the company that owns the Washington Wizards and Capitals. Fernandez will be inducted at the 2014 dinner Saturday in the crop of new members---affectionately referred to as “sprouts”---that includes Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Sens. Timothy M. Kaine and Kelly Ayotte, Lockheed Martin chief executive Marillyn Hewson, McDonald’s chief executive Donald Thompson, Aspen Institute president Walter Isaacson, former head of General Dynamics Jay Johnson, James A. Baker IV and financiers C. Bowdoin Train and William Grayson.
Yeah, I know, abortion rights, homo marriage, gun safety . . . sure, there are a raft of issues where the parties differ. But when when it comes to challenging the existing economic order in this country, the only freedoms we have are, basically, fake freedoms. There's a reason why income inequality is so terrible, and Team Democrat is nearly as responsible for it as Team Republican.
---Baron V