What could possibly go wrong here?
Now on solid footing, the investment groups should be able to tap new sources of financing---including packaging rental income streams into securities, similar to the way mortgages were bundled during the housing boom.
Many of those mortgage bonds went belly up in the subsequent crash. But analysts nonetheless see securitization as crucial for the nascent buy-to-rent industry.
In what would be the first such security, Blackstone Group is reportedly planning to bundle monthly rental payments on about 1,500 to 1,700 of the homes it owns in a deal valued at $240 million to $275 million, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing anonymous sources. Deutsche Bank, a major packager of risky subprime loans during the housing bubble, would structure and market the rental bonds to investors.
And once they've finished blowing up the rentals market, they'll start investing in homeless shelters, where they can extract more money from us in exchange for a bowl of stone soup and a sleeping bag.
None of this Potemkin Recovery needed to happen. Mortgage refis, writedowns, debt forgiveness, etc., could and should have been a integral part of any bank bailout package. Our leaders were advised to do this because anyone with a lick of sense could figure out that there'd be no meaningful economic recovery until the housing market had been repaired, and trillions of unrecoverable debt wiped off the books. Our leaders, being the smartest guys in the room, however, ignored the grumblers, and now fewer people can afford to buy houses, and---now that there is upward pressure on rentals---fewer people will be able to rent them as well. One of these days, our job creators will figure out that they've priced of all their customers out of the market for their goods and services, but until that day, there's lots of money to be made, and no regulatory regime to put a stop to it. Here's hoping that President Nugent enjoys the crash he's going to inherit sometime near the end of the decade.
Baron V