Then obviously, we need to have another war.
I don't blog much about Israel or AIPAC because it's an intractable hornet's nest that invites nothing but misery upon people who write about it, but let's just say this: However Israel and its lobbying arm want to manage their affairs, I'm fine with it. What I'm not fine with is subsidizing them with our money so they can pursue policy objectives that put American lives at risk. If they want to avoid criticism, all they need to do is return the annual welfare checks, and bloggers like yours truly will shut up for good.
But more to the point, all pro-war Democrats are evil amoral people who need to be primaried because (a) more war is not in the national interest, and (b) we should have been talking to the Iranians for decades. Their government may still peddle the "Great Satan" crap to gird the loins of the true believers, but their people are probably the most Westernized of any nation in central Asia. Which is to say, if we talk to them, we might find that we have as much in common with the Iranians as we do with, say, Israel. And maybe, just maybe, that's what the Israeli lobby, and their water-carriers in Washington, find so threatening. (Not to mention the fact that inventing endless enemies, and waging endless wars, is a proven profit center for the greater D.C. metropolitan area, so there's that.) But regardless, all pro-war Democrats still deserve to lose their jobs.
Baron V