Via Digby today, a helpful reminder for Team Democrat:
Have you ever noticed how conservatives who say the most controversial things imaginable think no one actually disagrees with them?They will admit that, yes, people might claim to disagree. But they will explain, if pressed, that those who do so are lying, or nuts, or utter the non-truths they utter out of a totalitarian will to power, or are poor benighted folks cowed or confused by those aforementioned totalitarians . . . A genuine right-winger will be so lacking in intellectual imagination—in cognitive empathy—that imagining how anyone could sincerely reason differently from them is virtually impossible.
I encountered this attitude repeatedly at my last corporate job, where the workforce was comprised of a disproportionate number of unregenerate dittoheads. They could utter the most absurd things---which they likely got from Fox or the radio---and if you tied to get them to reexamine their views, they'd look at you as if you were mad. As an example, I remember a conversation with a senior-level colleague who, remarking about a wealthy industrialist who was enthusiastically backing Hillary Clinton for President, said, "I can't believe a guy like that would be supporting such a radical leftist." When I told him that I thought a more accurate description of Hillary would be "center-left corporatist," he gave me a look like I'd just committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I'm only bringing this up because it's the main reason why the administration's attempts at meeting Republicans halfway was doomed to failure from the start---and still is if they insist at attempting it. There's no compromising with people who see you as a Hitler at worst, or as a Chamberlain at Munich at best. People like these see only two possible outcomes to any political struggle: Victory or death. Give them what they deserve next time.
---Baron V